Logo for: National Kidney Registry

Facilitating Well-Matched Living Kidney Donor Transplants. Protecting and Supporting Living Donors.

The National Kidney Registry is dedicated to increasing the number of kidney transplants from living donors, improving donor-recipient matches for longer-lasting transplants, and offering protection and support to living kidney donors to make the kidney donation process safer, easier and more convenient.

9,000 NKR-Facilitated Transplants

Kidney Donor Blog

Information for Donors

What Are the Side Effects of Living with One Kidney?

Matthew Ronin, Vice President, Research & Technology

If you have considered becoming a living kidney donor, you may be wondering about the side effects of donating a kidney and how life might be different with just one kidney. Here’s what you need to know.

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Kidney Donor Stories

My Kidney Donation Story: Karen Jones

Karen Jones

My interest in becoming a living kidney donor started about 10 years ago when I heard a story on the radio about someone who needed a kidney and was looking for a living donor. I didn’t know you could be a living person and donate an organ and still live!

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